master ,这是我的小站,欢迎访问哦~~

git commit emoji 使用指南


执行 git commit 时使用 emoji 为本次提交打上一个 “标签”, 使得此次 commit 的主要工作得以凸现,也能够使得其在整个提交历史中易于区分与查找。

commit 格式

git commit 时,提交信息遵循以下格式:

:emoji1: :emoji2: 不超过 50 个字的摘要,首字母大写,使用祈使语气,句末不要加句号


引用相关 issue 或 PR 编号 <#110>


git commit -m ":tada: Initialize Repo"

emoji 指南

emoji emoji 代码 commit 说明
:tada: (庆祝) :tada: 初次提交
:new: (全新) :new: 引入新功能
:bookmark: (书签) :bookmark: 发行/版本标签
:bug: (bug) :bug: 修复 bug
:ambulance: (急救车) :ambulance: 重要补丁
:globe_with_meridians: (地球) :globe_with_meridians: 国际化与本地化
:lipstick: (口红) :lipstick: 更新 UI 和样式文件
:clapper: (场记板) :clapper: 更新演示/示例
:rotating_light: (警车灯) :rotating_light: 移除 linter 警告
:wrench: (扳手) :wrench: 修改配置文件
:heavy_plus_sign: (加号) :heavy_plus_sign: 增加一个依赖
:heavy_minus_sign: (减号) :heavy_minus_sign: 减少一个依赖
:arrow_up: (上升箭头) :arrow_up: 升级依赖
:arrow_down: (下降箭头) :arrow_down: 降级依赖
:zap: (闪电)
:racehorse: (赛马)
:chart_with_upwards_trend: (上升趋势图) :chart_with_upwards_trend: 添加分析或跟踪代码
:rocket: (火箭) :rocket: 部署功能
:white_check_mark: (白色复选框) :white_check_mark: 增加测试
:memo: (备忘录)
:book: (书)
:hammer: (锤子) :hammer: 重大重构
:art: (调色板) :art: 改进代码结构/代码格式
:fire: (火焰) :fire: 移除代码或文件
:pencil2: (铅笔) :pencil2: 修复 typo
:construction: (施工) :construction: 工作进行中
:wastebasket: (垃圾桶) :wastebasket: 废弃或删除
:wheelchair: (轮椅) :wheelchair: 可访问性
:construction_worker: (工人) :construction_worker: 添加 CI 构建系统
:green_heart: (绿心) :green_heart: 修复 CI 构建问题
:lock: (锁) :lock: 修复安全问题
:whale: (鲸鱼) :whale: Docker 相关工作
:apple: (苹果) :apple: 修复 macOS 下的问题
:penguin: (企鹅) :penguin: 修复 Linux 下的问题
:checkered_flag: (旗帜) :checkered_flag: 修复 Windows 下的问题
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: (交叉箭头) :twisted_rightwards_arrows: 分支合并


git commit emoji

write a good commit message

Message Subject(first line)

  • Capitalize the .<subject>

  • Do not end the first line with a period.

  • Total characters of the first line MUST be Less than or Equal to 50 characters Long.

  • Use the present tense (“Add feature” not “Added feature”).

  • Use the imperative mood (“Move cursor to…” not “Moves cursor to…”).

  • Use to identify what type of changes introduced in this commit; Allowed keywords:

    • An Emoji(see below for list of Suggested Emojis)
    • Or a Text:
      • feat: 用户的新功能(或 something 表情符号)
      • fix: bug fix for the user (or emoji)
      • docs: 更改文档(或表情符号)
      • style: 格式,缺少分号等; 没有生产代码更改(或表情符号)
      • refactor: 重构生产代码,例如重命名变量(或表情符号)
      • test: 添加缺少的测试,重构测试; 没有生产代码更改(或表情符号)
      • chore: 更新粗活等; 没有生产代码更改
  • Reference issues this commit is related to with the status of that Issue; Ex. , or or .Issue #27``Ref T27``Ref T27, T56``Fixes T8
  • Supported issue tracker status keywords:
    • Fixes
    • Fixed
    • Closes
    • Closed
    • Resolves
    • Resolved
    • Ref
    • Issue
    • Issues

Suggested Emojis

Emoji Raw Emoji Code Description
🎨 :art: when improving the format/structure of the code 在改进代码的格式/结构时
📰 :newspaper: when creating a new file 当创建一个新文件时
📝 :pencil: when performing minor changes/fixing the code or language 当对代码或语言进行小的修改时
🐎 :racehorse: when improving performance 在提高性能的时候
📚 :books: when writing docs 写作的时候
🐛 :bug: when reporting a bug, with Comment Tag 当报告一个错误的时候,用评论标签
🚑 :ambulance: when fixing a bug 在修理一个漏洞的时候
🐧 :penguin: when fixing something on Linux 在 Linux 上修东西的时候
🍎 :apple: when fixing something on **Mac OS **在Mac OS上修东西的时候
🏁 :checkered_flag: when fixing something on **Windows **在Windows上修东西的时候
🔥 :fire: when removing code or files, maybe with @CHANGED Comment Tag 当删除代码或文件时,可能使用“@Changed”注释标签
🚜 :tractor: when change file structure. Usually together with 🎨 当改变文件结构时
🔨 :hammer: when refactoring code 重构代码
:umbrella: when adding tests 当加入测试的时候
🔬 :microscope: when adding code coverage 当添加代码覆盖时
💚 :green_heart: when fixing the CI build 在修理ci的时候
🔒 :lock: when dealing with security 在处理安全问题的时候
⬆️ :arrow_up: when upgrading dependencies 当升级依赖关系时
⬇️ :arrow_down: when downgrading dependencies 当降低依赖度时
:fast_forward: when forward-porting features from an older version/branch 当从旧版本/分支转移特性时
:rewind: when backporting features from a newer version/branch 当从较新的版本/分支向后移植特性时
👕 :shirt: when removing linter/strict/deprecation warnings 当删除 linter/严格/弃用警告时
💄 :lipstick: when improving UI/Cosmetic 在改进 UI
:wheelchair: when improving accessibility 在改善无障碍环境的同时
🌐 :globe_with_meridians: when dealing with globalization/internationalization/i18n/g11n 处理全球化/国际化/i18n/g11n
🚧 :construction: WIP(Work In Progress) Commits, maybe with @REVIEW Comment Tag “ WIP”提交,“可能”加上“@Review”注释标签
💎 :gem: New Release 新版本
🥚 :egg: New Release with Python egg 最新发布的
🎡 :ferris_wheel: New Release with Python wheel package 新发布的 Python 车轮包
🔖 :bookmark: Version **Tags **新tag
🎉 :tada: Initial Commit 初次提交
🔈 :speaker: when Adding Logging 当添加日志
🔇 :mute: when Reducing Logging 减少日志记录时
:sparkles: when introducing New Features 在介绍新功能的时候
:zap: when introducing Backward-InCompatible Features, maybe with @CHANGED Comment Tag 当引入向后不兼容的功能时,可以使用“@Changed”评论标签
💡 :bulb: New Idea, with @IDEA Comment Tag 新的创意,带有“@创意”评论标签
❄️ :snowflake: changing Configuration, Usually together with 🐧 or 🎀 or 🚀
🎀 :ribbon: Customer requested application Customization, with @HACK Comment Tag 客户要求应用程序定制,带有“@HACK”评论标签
🚀 :rocket: Anything related to Deployments/DevOps 任何与部署/DevOps 相关的东西
🐘 :elephant: PostgreSQL Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, …) 特定于 PostgreSQL 数据库(迁移、脚本、扩展、 …)
🐬 :dolphin: MySQL Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, …) 特定于 MySQL数据库(迁移、脚本、扩展、 …)
🍃 :leaves: MongoDB Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, …) 特定于 MongoDB数据库(迁移、脚本、扩展、 …)
🏦 :bank: Generic Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, …) 特定于 Generic Database数据库(迁移、脚本、扩展、 …)
🐳 :whale: Docker Configuration docker配置
🤝 :handshake: when Merge files 当合并文件时
🍒 :cherries: when Commit Arise from one or more Cherry-PickCommit(s) 当提交由一个或多个初选提交引起时


- 提交(CLI) : 这是一个漂亮的 CLI 工具,可以帮助标准化基于此文档的提交消息,感谢@jakeasmith。

- gitMoji (Firefox & Chrome 扩展) : 使用 emoji 增强提交功能,感谢@louisgrasset


- 代码表情符号 : Mozilla 的代码表情符号用表情符号加密你的信息,以获取乐趣和利润

- 基于表情符号的图表 : 基于表情符号的数据轴承订阅更新图表(WebPush VAPID)

Git Commit Messages

  • Use the present tense (“Add feature” not “Added feature”)
  • Use the imperative mood (“Move cursor to…” not “Moves cursor to…”)
  • Limit the first line to 72 characters or less
  • Reference issues and pull requests liberally after the first line
  • When only changing documentation, include in the commit title[ci skip]
  • Consider starting the commit message with an applicable emoji:
    • 🎨 :art: when improving the format/structure of the code
    • 🐎 :racehorse: when improving performance
    • 🚱 :non-potable_water: when plugging memory leaks
    • 📝 :memo: when writing docs
    • 🐧 :penguin: when fixing something on Linux
    • 🍎 :apple: when fixing something on macOS
    • 🏁 :checkered_flag: when fixing something on Windows
    • 🐛 :bug: when fixing a bug
    • 🔥 :fire: when removing code or files
    • 💚 :green_heart: when fixing the CI build
    • :white_check_mark: when adding tests
    • 🔒 :lock: when dealing with security
    • ⬆️ :arrow_up: when upgrading dependencies
    • ⬇️ :arrow_down: when downgrading dependencies
    • 👕 :shirt: when removing linter warnings

Emoji for changelog

  • 🐞 Bug 修复
  • 💄 样式更新/less 变量更新
  • 🆕 新增特性
  • 🔥 极其值得关注的新增特性
  • 🇺🇸🇨🇳🇬🇧 国际化改动,注意这里直接用对应国家/地区的旗帜。
  • 📖 📝 文档或网站改进
  • ✅ 新增或更新测试用例
  • 🛎 更新警告/提示信息
  • ⌨️ ♿ 可访问性增强
  • 🗑 废弃或移除
  • 🛠 重构或工具链优化
  • ⚡️ 性能提升

Continue with a longer description

Continue with a longer description a.k.a. message body:

  • Add a blank line after the summary line, then write as much as you want. 在摘要行后添加一个空行,然后随心所欲地写。
  • Use up to 72 characters per line for typical text for word wrap. 对于自动换行的典型文本,每行最多使用 72 个字符。
  • Use as many characters as needed for atypical text, such as URLs, terminal output, formatted messages, etc. 对非典型文本使用尽可能多的字符,例如 URL、终端输出、格式化消息等。
  • Include any kind of notes, links, examples, etc. as you want. 包括任何类型的注释、链接、示例等。如你所愿。

Summary keywords

We recommend these summary keywords because they use imperative mood, present tense, active voice, and are verbs:


  • Add: Create a capability e.g. feature, test, dependency. 创建一个功能,例如特性,测试,依赖。
  • Drop: Delete a capability e.g. feature, test, dependency. 删除功能,例如功能,测试,依赖。
  • Fix: Fix an issue e.g. bug, typo, accident, misstatement. 修复一个问题,例如 bug,输入错误,事故,错误陈述。
  • Bump: Increase the version of something e.g. a dependency. 增加某事物的版本,例如依赖关系
  • Make: Change the build process, or tools, or infrastructure. 改变构建过程,或工具,或基础设施。
  • Start: Begin doing something; e.g. enable a toggle, feature flag, etc. 开始做一些事情; 例如,启用一个切换,功能标志等。
  • Stop: End doing something; e.g. disable a toggle, feature flag, etc. 结束做某事,例如禁用切换,功能标志等。
  • Optimize: A change that MUST be just about performance, e.g. speed up code.一个改变,必须只是性能,例如加速代码。
  • Document: A change that MUST be only in the documentation, e.g. help files.只能在文档中进行的更改,例如帮助文件。
  • Refactor: A change that MUST be just a refactoring patch一个改变,必须只是一个重构补丁
  • Reformat: A change that MUST be just a formatting path, e.g. change spaces.一个必须只是格式化路径的更改,例如,更改空格。
  • Rearrange: A change that MUST be just an arranging patch, e.g. change layout. 一个必须只是安排补丁的更改,例如更改布局。
  • Redraw: A change that MUST be just a drawing patch, e.g. change a graphic, image, icon, etc. 一个改变,必须只是一个绘图补丁,例如改变图形,图像,图标等。
  • Reword: A change that MUST be just a wording patch, e.g. change a comment, label, doc, etc. 一个修改,必须只是一个措辞补丁,例如改变一个评论,标签,文档等。
  • Revise: A change that MUST be just a revising patch e.g. a change, an alteration, a correction, etc. 一个修改,必须是一个修改补丁,例如一个变化,一个修改,一个更正等。
  • Refit/Refresh/Renew/Reload: A change that MUST be just a patch e.g. update test data, API keys, etc. 一个必须是补丁的更改,例如更新测试数据、 API 密钥等。